Serving our community is at the heart of all local Soroptimist events

Annual Bunny Trail Easter Scramble
On Easter Saturday for over 20 years our club has provided an annual Easter Egg hunt for our community kids. Armed with clues to the destinations on Front Street, the kids collect eggs, clues and candy. After all bunny stops have been visited each child receives a bag of candy. The town generously donates to a raffle of amazing prizes all to benefit local women and girls.
Dream It, Be It Workshop: Career support for girls
This FREE workshop gives high school girls the tools they need to achieve their education and career goals, empowering them to break cycles of poverty, violence, and abuse.
Some of the the topics we cover
Creating Vision Boards
Setting and achieving goals
Identifying values
Exploring careers
Overcoming obstacles to success
Moving forward after setbacks or failures
Basic Budgeting

Fight Like a Girl
Self-Defense Class
Each year our club provides a half day session with trained law enforcement partners to conduct a self-defense course for local women and girls of all ages. Beyond the physical instruction, the course also discusses critical issues around cyber-bullying and social media challenges.